Austin Passes Ordinance Allowing for 2-3 Units on Single Family Lots
City Council just passed the first phase of the HOME code updates which allows for up to three homes on a single family lot.
SB 9: CA’s attempt to end single family zoning
The new law requires California cities and counties to allow single family zoned properties to be split into two lots and to allow two units up to 800 square feet each on single family zoned properties effectively allowing for up to 4 units on a lot that might currently have one home.
Appliances That Meet San Francisco Bay Area Local Energy and Title 24 Requirements
California has some of the strictest environmental laws in the country including Title 24. Learn about Title 24 water heater and HVAC appliances to consider.
Accessory Dwelling Units: Building ADUs to Meet Multiple Needs
As more municipalities relax building codes for ADUs to meet housing needs, planning your space often means meeting the needs of multiple family members.