We design, visualize, and permit homes.
every building in the world represents somebody's dream. Shelter may be the second great human need after food, but a building should be more than a roof and four walls. It ought to have style and it ought to last. A good designer knows how to care for a person's dream with integrity.

We are a small and attentive design company built around a few simple ideas…
A home is an expression of a life.
A building is an aspect of a community.
A house should reflect how we want to live.
Sustainability and affordability should coexist.
Working with Om
Whether you want a new home designed or have a renovation, we can help your create your vision. We specialize in making your home fit the way you want to live. Beginning with a visit to the site, we exchange ideas with you and follow them through to the completion of a new home via an inspired, dynamic and affordable custom design. If desired, we create a 3D model of your project, which you can tour to see the space as you would experience it from the inside. We also create a central web archive for your project to serve as an instantly available resource for anyone involved or interested in your project.
Planning and Permitting
We can get your permits for you or guide you through the process. We can offer the services of our planner, who deals with the local jurisdiction to obtain variances, or sort out complications that might arise.
Space Planning and Interior Design
Need help picking out some fixtures or materials for your home. Or do you simply need some tips on how to reorganize that closet that seems to have accumulated holiday outfits for every season? We have a junior designer who would love to help you at an affordable rate.
Drafting from an Existing Set of Plans
Dusting off an old project? If you already have your own plans, we can create a complete set of updated drawings and construction documents. Or if you simply need some “as builts” we can handle that too.
One-Time Consultation
We meet with you on-site, help you to visualize your ideas and create an outline that will guide you in your decisions as to the direction your project will go. We help you explore your options and provide you with a summary of our meeting in enough detail that you can communicate your desired option to your contractor.