What is your vision for home?

Development Options.

  • Accessory Dwelling Unit

    The ADU laws passed a couple of years ago make it easier than ever to build a backyard home. It can be as small as a couple hundred square feet or as big as 800-1,000 square feet. Reduced requirements enforced by the state such as quicker reviews, smaller setbacks and reduced permit fees make this a popular option for many home owners looking to make some income from their property.

  • Multiple Homes

    A new law allows homeowners to build a second home on their property if they choose to. Combine that with an ADU and/or JADU and you can build up to 4 units on your property. The state restricts a city from prohibiting this type of development and allows for reduced setbacks and parking on the new development.

  • Split Your Lot and Sell

    The same law that allows for multiple homes to be built on one lot allows you to split your lot through a streamlined review process and build two homes on each lot. This is a great option for either making a large sum of money all at once or creating rental housing for consistent income which can then be sold off later. While the upfront costs are large the payoff is even bigger.